Teaching philosophy
I strive to achieve excellence in teaching by embracing the following pedagogical goals: (a) create a supportive, inclusive learning environment, (b) help students apply knowledge and skills to real-life teaching and research contexts, and (c) integrate scientific research evidence into special education teaching. Moreover, I am committed to mentoring doctoral students.
I view doctoral students as colleagues and provide them with individualized support to help them become independent researchers. Such efforts include engaging students in all stages of the research projects, from conceptualizing a study and writing grant proposals to collecting and analyzing data as well as writing up manuscripts. Throughout this process, I support students’ critical thinking and writing skills and provide scaffolds to hone their quantitative methods skills.

Issues and Procedures in the Assessment of Students with High Incidence Disabilities
Courses Taught at Vanderbilt University / Undergraduate / Role: Instructor
This course provides an overview of basic measurement concepts and theories necessary to understand the assessment of students’ learning problems. Another focus of the course is on learning practical assessment techniques used for special education eligibility determination and placement, IEP development, instructional design, and evaluation of outcomes. Students learn to administer assessments, interpret results, write report, and utilize assessment data for instructional programming. Assessments covered include standardized assessments, curriculum-based measures, and behavioral observation techniques in both academic and behavior domain.
“Eunsoo went ABOVE AND BEYOND every single time to make sure we understood the course content. She expected a great deal from our work, but she also gave a great deal of effort to ensure that we had the resources and information necessary to be successful. Her feedback on assignments was specific and helpful.”
“She really cares about her students and takes the extra time to help them. She is very responsive and helpful via emails.”